
What is Femto Lasik?

Is the most common refractive procedure performed to correct refractive errors and reduce dependence on glasses and contact lenses. LASIK stands for “laser in-situ keratomileusis” and is a technique which uses the Femto laser to create a partial thickness flap of the cornea and then an Excimer laser to reshape the surface beneath the flap. LASIK can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Requirements for Laser Eye Surgery

  • Minimum age: 18 years.
  • Stable vision (spectacle prescription) for at least 1 year.
  • Absence of other eye diseases, especially those affecting the cornea.
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Decision to Change your Life Style

Everybody has a different reason for seeking refractive surgery but for everyone it is a choice for a new lifestyle – a lifestyle free of glasses or contact lenses. Whether it be for practical, professional, leisure or sporting reasons, laser eye surgery can open up a whole new world for you. You can realize your full potential with a clearer vision for the future.


How Does Lasik work?

The aim of lasik is to improve quality of life by improving unaided vision. LASIK works by using the computer-controlled excimer laser to remove (ablate) tissue from underneath a flap in the cornea in an extremely precise fashion. The change in curvature of the cornea changes the focus of the eye and removes the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. A thin partial-thickness flap is created on the top of the cornea using a sophisticated femtosecond laser. This leaves the flap hinged so it can be easily replaced. With the flap turned back, the excimer laser is used to remove corneal tissue to produce the required change in shape. The flap is then replaced and adheres to the underlying cornea within minutes without requiring any stitches.

What can cause Weakness of the power of your eyes?

Myopia: Short-sightedness

This means you see better over short distances as opposed to long distances, but sometimes both can be blurred. If the cornea and lens are too strong, or if the eye is too long, light will come into focus in front of the retina. This causes objects in the distance to be blurred but those closer are in focus. Nearly 25% of people are myopic. This usually develops while the eye is still growing during childhood or adolescence and stabilizes when full growth is reached. No-one knows exactly what causes myopia but it is likely that both inherited and environmental factors play a role.


Hyperopia: Long-sightedness

This means you see better over long distances as opposed to short distances, but both can be blurred. If the cornea and lens are not strong enough, or the eye is too short, light comes into focus behind the retina. This causes objects in the far distance to be blurred and even more so for those up close. Younger people usually have enough power to see in the distance and up close, but as we get older glasses become necessary to see near objects and then later to see in the distance as well.



Both distance and near vision may be blurred. Astigmatism refers to the condition where the cornea has different curvatures. It does not have equally rounded curves like a soccer ball but is more like an AFL football. This makes focusing uneven or distorted and objects are not seen clearly without glasses in the distance or up close. Astigmatism is very common as most people with myopia or hyperopia have some astigmatism as well.

Presbyopia (age related) Presbyopia is often confused with hyperopia (long-sightedness). It is part of the normal process of ageing, and involves losing the ability to bring objects up close into focus. This usually begins between 40 and 50 years of age. LASIK cannot effectively correct presbyopia. However people with presbyopia will benefit from having their distance vision corrected and will only need glasses for close-up activities. Some people are suitable for monovision correction where one eye is corrected for distance and the other for reading vision.

  • Success rates 99.98%
  • Excellent vision without glasses or contact lenses.
  • Rapid visual recovery.
  • Both eyes can be treated at the same time.
  • Extreme improvement in vision quality.
  • Vision after LASIK being as good or better than what it was like with glasses or contact lenses.
  • Everybody has a different reason for seeking refractive surgery but for everyone, it is a choice for a new lifestyle.

What is Femto Smile?

 LASIK is a two-step procedure in which a femtosecond laser creates a corneal flap and an excimer laser ablates tissue to change the curvature of the cornea, resulting in the desired refractive outcome.

SMILE is a one-laser, femtosecond-only procedure. The femtosecond laser creates a lenticule of tissue, which is removed via a “channel” in the cornea, eliminating the flap in the cornea.

SMILE eyes are stronger than Lasik Eyes, and suitable for persons with Contact sports, tough jobs and military personal. However, it is not suitable for every one. In order to maintain the +99% success rates, SMILE is for correction of near sightedness (myopia between -2.5 and -10.0 with astigmatism 0.5 degrees or less).