
We are now offering World Class Premium Lens Implants, which can reduce a patients dependence on eyeglasses for all ranges of weak eye power. We use high Tech Equipment in Premium Lens implants to provide highest standards of quality and safety.

Premium Implants with Cataract:

During cataract surgery, the cataract (cloudy lens) is removed and a clear lens implant is inserted to help with the focusing of the eye. In the past, the lens was restricted to a single focal point lens. Because of this, many patients still needed to rely on eyeglasses after their surgery.

We are now offering premium Implants, which can reduce a patients dependence on eyeglasses following cataract surgery because they offer multiple focal points. Examples include:

  • All Distances-correcting Implants (Near – Intermediate – Far): This type of lens implant allows for sight at all distances, including the ease of using your mobile phone, Ipad, Laptop, reading books & newspapers, driving and practicing sports.
  • Astigmatism-correcting Implants: This lens corrects the astigmatism of the eye. We one of few eye Centers in the world able to correct astigmatism up to 12 degrees using high Tech Implants guided with Integrated data injection system.
  • Aspheric Implants: Are implants that provide higher image quality compared to standard implants. We are glade to provide this premium option to all our patients.

Premium Implants as alternative for Lasik:

  • ICLs: We only use the original ICL, this type of implant made predominantly of natural tissues to correct the power of eyes, which are not suitable/candidates for Lasik/FemtoLasik/FemtoSMile corrective Laser eye surgery. Correcting of Eye power with correction of astigmatism with ICL is also provided by High Tech ICLs special designed for each eye.
  • Artificial synthetic Lens Implants: provide a less costly lens implants compared to ICLs to correct the power of eyes, which are not suitable/candidates for Lasik/FemtoLasik/FemtoSMile corrective Laser eye surgery. These Lenses are made from synthetic materials to correct the eye power.